Keep more of your donations
Cardless payments with a great customer experience. Ensuring more money goes to great causes instead of on processing fees.
How Wonderful uses Yaspa to enable fee-free donations for hundreds of charities
"Our belief that A2A (account-to-account) is the way forward is so strong that we no longer offer card networks at Not only are A2A payments through Yaspa simple, fast and secure, they allow us to reach tens of thousands more charities and raise millions more for the causes we all care about."
Repeat payments
Keep it flexible with Yaspa’s modular system
Transform your conversion rates with instant cardless payments that are super secure, super easy and settle in seconds.
Provide fast and secure payouts, withdrawals and refunds, direct from your business account to your customer's.
Account Verification
Reduce fraud and KYC time by verifying your customer's bank account in a seamless process, ensuring faster, risk-free payments.
Verification Plus
Transform your KYC with real-time data and insights on customer affordability, source-of-funds, and key markers of risk.
Virtual Accounts
Create instant e-money accounts with individual virtual IBANs in sterling and Euro, ready to use immediately.
By developers, for developers
You can integrate Yaspa into your donation checkout direct, or via a third-party. Integration is simple and quick - and we're here to help you every step of the way.