Super-fast real-time payments and deposits straight into your account.
For refunds, withdrawals and outbound payments that settle instantly.
Instant payments combined with account verification, ideal for regulated businesses.
See how Yaspa works, and make a test payment.
Verify your customers and their bank accounts in seconds.
Yaspa's unique account verification, affordability and risk-scoring solution.
Create multiple virtual bank accounts (vIBANs) on demand.
Innovative Safer Gambling solution for operators.
Real-time deposits, withdrawals - and integrated affordability checks.
Get the edge on your checkout conversions with instant payments.
Offer instant settlement with integrated KYC checks for super smooth onboarding.
Safe, secure payments and top-ups that anyone can use, with instant settlement.
Abolish drop-off during donations, and minimise your processing costs.
The latest news and analysis about Yaspa and how real-time payments are transforming industry.
Information for consumers paying with Yaspa; and businesses starting their instant payment journey.
Exactly that.
The story behind Yaspa, its brand and its leadership team.
A peek into Yaspa's award-winning culture - and open vacancies.
For press and general enquiries, and to book a Yaspa demo.
Broaden your client offering with a Yaspa referral partnership.
Want to get clued up on everything fintech and open banking? You're in the right place!
Ahead of International Women's Day, Kate Marsden discusses why company culture is key to improving gender balance in tech.
For our second International Women's Day post, former Biomedical Scientist Valerie shares her journey into fintech at Yaspa.
Yaspa’s Head of Commercial, Amie Kadhim, joins The Fintech Power 50 webinar to discuss perspectives on industry diversity & the necessary changes in Fintech.